Saturday, May 27, 2006

Food for Thoughts

This has been my experience. "Our" thoughts do create reality, but we are only conscious of about 10% of "our" thoughts. We are mostly unconscious, and therefore, the reality we find ourselves in (the reality we create) seems to be given to us from the outside. Outside and inside are so intertwined that they aren't really two separate things as we perceive them to be.

These are wild claims that I can't prove to you. Hell, I haven't even proven them to myself, but I'm catching glimpses of all this. I've been recording my dreams daily and notice all the patterns I mentioned above in the dream world. Furthermore, I'm starting to see them active in waking life more and more as I become more conscious.

People spend multiple lifetimes trying to become aware, and even so, most fail. Why? Because certain thoughts are extremely powerful, living creatures, much like virii that infect and perpetuate themselves. They're very hard to get rid of or see through. When we're infected, we think we think them. In fact, they're just playing our minds like a flute. Some of these thoughts include things like concepts of God, objectivity, and religious dogma. Watch a recent convert to any religion to see the virulent and virus-like effect of these so-called "memes."

Contrary to popular belief, we are not on top of the food chain. In our stage of evolution, our minds are mostly food for thoughts. Unlike in the Matrix, where electronic computers are eating our brains, in reality, holographic quantum computers are eating our brains. Dr. Vernon Woolf calls them holodynes, Richard Dawkins calls them memes, and Dr. Bruce Lipton simply calls them by their old name: subconscious thoughts.


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