Saturday, November 26, 2005

Broken families broken understanding

After sleeping over at two different houses with two different families, I don't feel so dysfunctional in my family any more. On the outside, they look so ideal. After a couple long conversations or even short ones interrupted by angry words thrown about in the house (not at me of course!), I've come to the banal conclusion that most families are messed up no matter how peaceable they initially appear.

My approach to my own family issues may look passive-aggressive, but, hell, it seems to work. I avoid confrontation. If I disagree, I keep quiet. Stay out of their way, they stay out of mine. I don't think I harbor as much resentment as the term passive-aggressive suggests though. I understand that they've got their issues just as I have mine, so I'm not any more "right" than they are.

In fact, I'm tired of appearing to be right. I work up a storm of words to convince others that what I say is valid, but I don't even know for sure myself if it is. Of course I often admit my ignorance, but sugar coat it to the point where it seems like I'm not. I'm embarrassed at how many people look up to me for wisdom. I'm a scammer. But can I really live being wrong, I mean really know that I'm wrong, insufficiently informed, ignorant, stupidly reactionary? I can think about it in the private comfort of my bedroom, but can I bring it out into the world, into my conversations with friends and family?

I want to be stupid. No, I want to embrace my stupidity without judging myself poorly nor encouraging the stupidity. An acceptance of limitation.


At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That last paragraph just made me feel an ounce more retarded. Pork chop sandwhiches!


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